
pynd - search within Python code

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You say it like find, but with a p. pind.

pynd helps you navigate and find what you are looking for in Python codebases.

  • Find and list all public functions with pynd --def --public
  • Look for each time a class instance was created pynd ClassName --call
  • Search only within docstrings pynd "search term" --doc

See further examples and the output further down...


We recommend installation with pip.

$ pip install pynd
$ pynd -h


pynd is in very early stages of development. Almost anything could change without warning. You have been warned ;-)

Platform support

We recommend Python 3.4 or above. pynd was written for Python 3 and backported to Python 2.7. It is supported and tested under Linux and OSX. Python 2 and Windows support are done on a "best effort" basis.

What & Why?

Pynd is a bit like grep, but it understand Python syntax. This means you can do things like search within docstrings only or list and search function names.

Usage Examples

Search everything

By default, pynd will accept a pattern and use that to check against all the AST nodes that it understands. This means, you can easily search across functions, class, docstrings and calls.

$ pynd call --ignore-case
124:class CallFilter(NodeTypeFilter):
165:        CallFilter('C', 'call', (ast.Call, ),

27:    def __call__(self, value):

22:    mocked_search.assert_called_once_with(cli.parse_args(['.']))

In the above example we search for the pattern "call" everywhere in a case-insensitive search.

Listing and searching within Python

List all the Python classes in every Python file under the current working directory.

$ pynd --class
22:class ASTWalker(object):

20:class NodeTypeFilter(object):
85:class DocString(NodeTypeFilter):
109:class NameFilter(NodeTypeFilter):

Find all classes that match a pattern.

$ pynd AST --class
22:class ASTWalker(object):

The --class argument can be replaced or used in combination with other node types. For example, find all functions or classes that contain the word test.

$ pynd filter --class --def --ignore-case
20:class NodeTypeFilter(object):
109:class NameFilter(NodeTypeFilter):
121:def get_all_filters():
136:def get_active_filters(args):

Finding the definition and usage

Finding where a function is defined can be useful, but we also want to know where it is used.

$ pynd get_all_filters --def --call
50:    for f in filters.get_all_filters():

153:def get_all_filters():
172:    return [f for f in get_all_filters() if f.is_activated(args)]

55:        activated_filters = filters.get_all_filters()

Note, this uses a simple name match - so if you have multiple functions with the same name, it will find them all.


Searching within docstrings is simple with pynd. It works in a similar way as the other node matches, but it will output the full docstring and the class or function that it is attached to.

$ pynd TODO --doc
103:    def get_source(self, path, node):
Get the source line for a particular node.

TODO: Strippng the last line here is a hack - how should we do it

The above search will find all docstrings that contain TODO. If no term is provided, then all docstrings will be displayed.

Public & Private

The flags --private and --public can be used to filter by the common Python convention of a leading underscore to mark someting as private. This means that --private will only match results starting with a underscore and --public will only match results starting without. These can be used in combination with other searched but can't both be used together.

pynd --private --def
34:    def _is_python(self, path):
38:    def _is_ignored(self, directory):
44:    def _walk_files(self, path):
66:    def _read(self, file_path):

101:    def _get_docstring(self, node):

Supported Node Types

pynd currently supports the following node types.

  • --doc - matches within docstrings
  • --class - Matches classes.
  • --def - All function definitions.
  • --import - Matches import statements
  • --call - Matches calls to functions or new classes
  • --attr - Matches attributes on objects

Show full usage

usage: pynd [-h] [--version] [--ignore-dir [IGNORE_DIR [IGNORE_DIR ...]]]
            [--ignore-case] [--files-with-matches] [--show-stats]
            [--public | --private] [--verbose | --debug] [-d] [-c] [-f] [-F]
            [-m] [-j] [-i] [-C] [-a]

Search for PATTERN in each Python file in filesystem from the current
directory down. If any files or directories are specified then only those are

positional arguments:
  PATTERN               The pattern to match against. This must be a valid
                        Python regular expression.
  FILES OR DIRECTORIES  A file or directory to limit the search scope. This
                        can be provided multiple times.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --ignore-dir [IGNORE_DIR [IGNORE_DIR ...]]
                        A pattern to exclude directories. This must be a valid
                        Python regular expression. It can be provided multiple
  --ignore-case         Make all the regular expression matching case
  --files-with-matches  Don't output all the results, just the paths to files
                        that contain a result.
  --show-stats          At the end, show some stats.
  --public              Only show results considered to be public in Python.
                        They don't start with an underscore.
  --private             Only show results considered to be private in Python.
                        They start with an underscore.
  --verbose             Explain what is happening.
  --debug               Output excessively to make debugging easier
  -d, --doc             Match class and function docstrings.
  -c, --class           Match class names.
  -f, --def             Match all defs.
  -F, --function        Match function names at the module level.
  -m, --method          Match class method names.
  -j, --closure         Match closure def names.
  -i, --import          Match imported package names.
  -C, --call            Match call statements.
  -a, --attr            Match attributes on objects